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A service to parents and grandparents MAR20086 Whipped (2000), (R) Partial Viewing CAP Score: 41 CAP Influence Density: 12.46 |
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SUMMARY / COMMENTARY: Whipped (R) (partial) -- whipped me right out of the theater after 13 minutes. In anticipation of so many previous arguments that a review cannot be credible if only a portion of a movie is observed, I will repeat: the CAP ministry is not a movie review service. We conduct movie analyses for parents and grandparents to give them optional tools to help make an informed decision for themselves whether a movie is or is not fit for their kids, which includes teens, using the teachings and expectations of Jesus as our investigation standards -- His Word, NOT my opinions, forms the moral yardstick with which onscreen behavior is measured. The CAP Entertainment Media Analysis Model (the Findings/Scoring section) is mathematically objective and could not care less about any "message" or "plot." Sin is sin whether camouflaged by a "good message" or not. Also, the CAP analysis model works as well for a portion of a movie as it does for an entire movie. The portion analyzed indeed contained the programming identified and properly earned the scores shown -- there is no arguing it. If the first or any portion of a movie is unfit trash, who cares about the rest of it. What difference does it make if the unseen portion is or is not clean & pure when the seen portion is filthy? With this, I will tell you up front we will not respond to emailers who would argue this. Further, I will also repeat that the heart of the CAP model is the Findings/Scoring section: that this Summary/Commentary is precisely what it says it is. I don't know how "whipped" fits into the picture and I don't care. In the 13 minutes I watched it, Whipped presented the full spectrum of foul and vulgar language in a barrage of 58 examples -- about 4.5 per minute. And in 13 minutes that equates to 272 times per hour if the rate and density remain the same. I saw nothing to indicate any hopes of a reduction in the rate or density. South Park: BLU having a CAP Influence Density (ID) of 10.65* used to have the most severe CAP ID of the more than 350 movies the CAP ministry has analyzed. But this 13-minute portion of Whipped whipped South Park: BLU at 12.46! (Most R-rated movies earn CAP IDs from 1.00 to 4.00.) I suspect 12.46 is a good mathematical bias for the CAP ID of this movie, meaning I very seriously doubt that figure would change much if any if the whole movie were analyzed. And I will not watch the entire movie, so there is no sense in asking. And there were many examples of sexual vulgarity, both verbal and visual. Smoking and drinking did not help the scoring either. Stripping, positioning for oral sex with obvious nudity in bed, stories of sexual conquest, vulgar descriptions of immoral sex acts, and a lot more [1 John 2:15-17; Gal. 5:19-21]. I will leave the "rest of the story" to the Findings/Scoring section. As always, it is best to refer to the Findings/Scoring section -- the heart of the CAP analysis model. FINDINGS / SCORING: NOTE: Multiple occurrences of each item described below may be likely, definitely when plural. Wanton Violence/Crime (W): Impudence/Hate (I)(1): Sex/Homosexuality (S): Offense to God (O)(2): Murder/Suicide (M)(3): |