ChildCare Action Project:
Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP)

CAPCon Alerts




The purpose of the ChildCare Action Project Condition (CAPCon) Alert lights is to give an at-a-glance indication of the suggested measure of urgency and attention to detail you should give to inspecting the CAP Entertainment Media Analysis Report for the movie BEFORE seeing the movie. Though the CAPCon Alert lights are inherently an indication of the relative amount of assaults on morality and decency in a film, they are not intended to indicate a threshold of acceptability or suitability of a film for your child(ren) OR yourself. We DO NOT assume to know, e.g., when it is acceptable (if ever) for your kids to be exposed to certain traditionally unacceptable programming. It is up to YOU -- the PARENT -- to decide whether it is acceptable for your child(ren) to be exposed to such programming, not us nor the Motion Picture Association of America.

The basis for the CAPCon Alert lights is the CAP comparative baseline database scoring of movies established during verification and validation of the model by actual use on 39 randomly selected movies :

  • G: 100 to 87 out of 100
  • PG: 86 to 68
  • PG-13: 67 to 55
  • R: 54 and below

    A "RED" CAPCon Alert light means the subject movie earned a score of 54 or less in any one of the six CAP Investigation Areas (any one of the six CAP Thermometers indicates a score of 54 or less). It suggests that you should give somber and earnest inspection to the report: that you should review it very thoroughly with much attention to detail with extra special attention to the listing in the Findings/Scoring section.

    A "YELLOW" CAPCon Alert light means the subject movie earned a score of 86 or less in any one of the six CAP Investigation Areas. It suggests a lesser urgency than indicated by the red CAPCon Alert light but the need for your attention to the findings in the report is still urgent: that you should give serious consideration to the listing in the Findings/Scoring section.

    A "GREEN" CAPCon Alert light means the subject movie earned a score of 87 or more in ALL of the six CAP Investigation Areas. It suggests routine but mature attention should be given to the findings in the report.