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A service to parents and grandparents MAR14299 Toy Story 2 (1999), (G) CAP Score: 95 CAP Influence Density: 0.09 |
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ALERT: To fully understand this report you should first visit the topics suggested by the CAP Table of Contents. SUMMARY / COMMENTARY: *Toy Story 2* (G) -- a true G movie. A true G-rated movie. Really! And that is odd for Disney. Remember that Miramax, a spawn of Disney, produced *Pulp Fiction* and many other vulgar and obscene movies. And the clean, family-oriented history of Disney does not excuse Disney's culpability for the new age media monsters. Before I get into the analysis of *Toy Story 2* let me remind you that the CAP analysis model works on animation (and computer-generated animation) -- cartoons -- if the assumption is made that any behavior that can be reasonably duplicated by a child can be treated as an influential matter. I was so hoping for a CAPCon(dition) green light for *Toy Story 2*. Movies which earn the CAPCon green light are indeed rare. *Toy Story 2* would have earned a CAPCon green light if there was but one less issue of violence -- just one less. Whatever. *Toy Story 2* earned a CAPCon Yellow light, which is nearly as rare with modern movies. To avoid destroying the excitement of discovering the story for yourself I will not, as is typical in these analyses, present the matters of possible concern within a "line by line" description of the script and choreography containing the ignominy. Only a few items of concern were present which may merit your adult counsel. There was fighting. I was raised believing that guys gotta take their part. And I "took my part" on a number of occasions. A good ol' fight when I was growing up was sometimes the best way to become good friends -- kinda stupid but that's the way it was way back when. And the only thing I and my punchbuddies used in fights were our fists. We even helped each other, bloody noses notwithstanding, get back up on our feet to head out to the nearest soda joint. But nowadays fighting too often involves weapons and ultra-viscious hatred. Oh, for the days of "black-n-white." Fighting in *Toy Story 2* was a touch more severe and frequent than in its predecessor. The fighting influence may need your wisdom to give balance to your child's understanding of settling differences. A video game killing, a theft (of Woody from a yard sale), a breaking and entering (to rescue Woody), and a threat of physical violence by another story figure topped off the matters of violence and crime in *Toy Story 2*. Impudence/Hate lost points only to a lie, to arguing, and to an expression that really does not belong in a child's (or anyone's) entertainment: "Life is only worth living if..." The rest of the line is immaterial to the possible impact of this invasive line. Life is worth living.......period. Sex/Homosexuality lost points only to a gaggle of Barbie(tm) dolls dancing in swimwear as Mr. Potato Head and others ogle at them with a sensual presence. Bo Peep was also her usual alluring self but so ambiguously as to make declaring her behavior an influence very difficult. Though I don't often make positive comments about the content of movies, I will make an exception. There was dialogue that caught my attention about the change which makes us put away childish things [1 Cor. 13:11 "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."] It seemed like a nice job in talking to the change -- a possible example to use. A most refreshing though extrememly rare example, probably by chance, of how the entertainment industry could be an effective tool for the betterment of the condition of childhood and general behavior. The CAP Influence Density of 0.09 for this movie just about says it all. That's all folks! But you gotta see the CAP Thermometers from Findings/Scoring below on this one. A great example of the utility of the CAP analysis model as a comparative tool. That's all folks! But you gotta see the CAP Thermometers in the Findings/Scoring section below on this one. A great example of the utility of the CAP analysis model as a comparative tool. FINDINGS / SCORING: ![]() NOTE: Multiple occurrences of each item described below are likely. Wanton Violence/Crime (W): Impudence/Hate (I)(1): Sex/Homosexuality (S): Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O)(2): Murder/Suicide (M)(3): |