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A service to parents and grandparents MAR13399 Three to Tango (1999), (PG-13) CAP Score: 51 CAP Influence Density: 1.54 |
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ALERT: To fully understand this report you should first visit the topics suggested by the CAP Table of Contents. SUMMARY / COMMENTARY: SUMMARY/COMMENTARY *Three to Tango* was rated PG-13, but I purely do not know how. *Three to Tango* is a movie with a continuous sexual theme -- a homosexuality theme, sometimes in the background but mostly in the foreground. Nothing was "guarded." Proud and arrogant display of homosexuality. It was replete with script and choreography trying to make homosexuality appear normal and healthy and indeed acceptable as a lifestyle. Well, president Clinton and his entourage may think homosexuality is acceptable, but God says it is not. While Clinton may be in "charge" for the next few months, God is in Charge of eternity. And it really does not matter what the evangelist and the homosexual "minister" decide in their meetings about the Bible's position on homosexuality. What the Bible says DOES matter: Rom. 1:24; Rom. 1:26; Rom. 1:27; Rom. 1:28; Lev. 18:22; Lev. 20:13; Matt. 6:22-23; 1 Cor. 6:18; 1 Cor. 7:2. Lev. 20:13 says it about as pointed and inarguable as possible: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination:" Men situationally redefining the Scriptures with moral relativism and pansexualism will NOT reduce the sinfulness of nor the consequences of such a choice of lifestyle as homosexuality. All who read this MUST understand that while homosexuality is a sin, we are to do whatever we can to help s/he who chooses such a lifestyle to leave that lifestyle. We must do so WITH LOVE, not with anger, threats or acts of violence, or with attempts to shame or belittle. If you have hate for the homosexual, lose it. LOSE IT! Hate the sin, to be sure. Even Jesus hates sin [Prov 6:16-19] But DO NOT hate the individual. You've all heard it before and it is just as true now as it was when God ordered it: love the sinner but hate the sin. While homosexuality is a sin to the Lord just as are your dark thoughts and behavior and mine, the homosexual is as precious to Jesus as you and I. And since the homosexual is as precious to Jesus as you and I, so should the homosexual be precious to us who are not homosexual. Indeed, ALL should be precious to us as they are precious to Jesus. Now, to the movie particulars. A VERY sexual movie. All of it revolved about sexual relationships, both homosexual and heterosexual with the homosexuality taking a press box seat on the fifty yard line. There was no sexual purity or morality or natural inhibition I could find. None. If one of these things was brought up, it was quickly doused and cast away as though purity and inhibition are undesirable and uncool. A homosexual male tried to make a hit on a heterosexual male on a bus. When the heterosexual male got up to get away, he ended up standing immediately in front of the sitting homosexual male, and suggestive eye movements and mannerisms ensued. A mother encouraged the implied homosexuality of her son. A woman asked to live with a man and invited him into the bath tub with her. Repeated instances of rear male nudity. A female mouth on a male stomach. Many, many, many homosexuality behaviors, innuendo, suggestions, and bold presences in almost every form and vehicle. A long sensual and detailed discussion about a lesbian encounter. An adultery relationship. And all this main course was smothered with a token ladle of gravy by the development and success of a tender loving heterosexual relationship, albeit immoral. And an interesting quirk was when the centeral figure, who pretended to be homosexual to keep his job, "came out of the closet" in a meeting of homosexual professionals stating he was not homosexual -- a script manipulation of "reverse discrimination" entirely from the homosexuality persepctive. I could go on and on but as always the above is just a summary/commentary. It is not possible in a summary/commentary to fully present the content of a movie. It is best to rely most on the Findings/Scoring section from Full Report below for a full accounting of the ignominy contained in this PG-13 movie which should have been rated R. FINDINGS / SCORING: ![]() NOTE: Multiple occurrences of each item described below are likely. Wanton Violence/Crime (W): Impudence/Hate (I)(1): Sex/Homosexuality (S): Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O)(2): Murder/Suicide (M)(3): |