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A service to parents and grandparents MAR20044 Rules of Engagement (2000), (R) CAP Score: 45 CAP Influence Density: 2.02 |
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Christian Banner eXchange For FREE text-only analysis reports as they are calculated, send an email with SUBSCRIBE CAP-MAR in the message body. NOTE: We make no scoring allowances for Hollywood's trumped-up "messages" to excuse, or its manufacturing of justification for aberrant behavior or imagery. This is NOT a movie review service. It is a movie analysis service to parents and grandparents to tell them the truth about movies using the Truth. If you do not want the plot, ending, or "secrets" of a movie spoiled for you, skip the Summary/Commentary. In any case, be sure to visit the Findings/Scoring section -- it is purely objectuve and is the heart of the CAP Entertainment Media Analysis Model applied to this movie.
SUMMARY / COMMENTARY: *Rules of Engagement* (R) -- a very well made movie with high quality acting made bad by gore and language. I like courtroom drama movies. Perry Mason was one of them. *Rules of Engagement* was a very good military courtroom drama but with tons of battle gore and a whole lot of foul, foul language [2 Tim. 2:16]. God's name in vain without the four letter expletive was heard but once, but 14 times with it [Exod. 20:7]. The most foul of the foul words was heard in variations at least 26 times and the three/four letter word vocabulary was well represented with 30 representatives [Matt. 12:36-37]. Tommy Lee Jones was his usual excellent self as Marine Col. Hays Hodges, but with a potty mouth this time. Probably a dozen times more potty that *The Fugitive*. And in his usual excellence but just as potty mouthed was Samuel Jackson as Marine Col. Terry Childers. In fact, just about every key actor was potty mouthed except the quintessential underhanded lying creep National Security Adviser (Bruce Greenwood), who destroys the one piece of evidence (a security tape) that could have prevented a huge expense to the taxpayers and could have proven the innocence of the accused [Prov. 12:5; Rom. 3:13]. Situated atop the US Embassy in Yemen, Col. Childers, on a "baby sitting" mission for the Embassy, finds his entire platoon under hostile fire. And when three of his men get killed, Childers opens fire on the angry civilian crowd below, even a little girl on crutches. Only Childers, his captain and the security camera see the crowd firing on the Marines -- the captain is one of the three who were killed and the tape is destroyed by the US National Security Advisor. Was Childers' order to open fire within the rules of engagement? That is the basis of the entire movie. In an effort to improve the chances of the continuation of these reports, this Summary/Commentary section will be progressively minimized and may eventually have to be discontinued. Please see the Findings/Scoring section below for a full accounting of this movie: for the best representation of the CAP Entertainment Media Analysis Model applied to this movie. FINDINGS / SCORING: NOTE: Multiple occurrences of each item described below may be likely. Wanton Violence/Crime (W): Impudence/Hate (I)(1): Sex/Homosexuality (S): Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O)(2): Murder/Suicide (M)(3): |