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A service to parents and grandparents MAR20039 The Price of Glory (2000), (PG-13) CAP Score: 62 CAP Influence Density: 0.89 |
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![]() Christian Banner eXchange For FREE text-only analysis reports as they are calculated, send an email with SUBSCRIBE CAP-MAR in the message body. NOTE: We make no scoring allowances for Hollywood's trumped-up "messages" to excuse, or its manufacturing of justification for aberrant behavior or imagery. This is NOT a movie review service. It is a movie analysis service to parents and grandparents to tell them the truth about movies using the Truth. If you do not want the plot, ending, or "secrets" of a movie spoiled for you, skip the Summary/Commentary. In any case, be sure to visit the Findings/Scoring section -- it is purely objectuve and is the heart of the CAP Entertainment Media Analysis Model applied to this movie.
SUMMARY / COMMENTARY: The Price of Glory (PG-13) -- abusive parental authority over a loving family -- until they can't take it any more. Arturo Ortega (Jimmy Smits) forces his fantasies as a failed boxer on his boys trying to relive old glory through forcing his sons' achievements. And his longsuffering wife, Rita (Maria Del Mar) puts up with it all. And eventually they just can't take it anymore and rebel. Indeed Smits portrays a brow beating, over-bearing, and domineering father very well. Del Mar plays the submissive wife very well. And the boys, Sonny (Jon Seda), Jimmy (Clifton Collins, Jr.), and Johnny (Ernesto Hernandez) play the compliant and obedient sons well. In the end Arturo is given his comeupance by his family and some exofamilial authority. That is what many humanists might say about this movie, and it would true. But there are also some decent family values and integrity portrayed in this movie. The movie depends on extremes to make its points. Portrayal of extremes in entertainment is so akin to counterfeiting of the Scriptures it isn't funny. The movie painted correctional measures in ways to foster favorable embracement of the counterfeiting and extreme exaggeration. And I am certain I will get a lot of email saying how that movie portrayed real life accurately. Well, I am sure it was accurate -- for a movie. I see that the writers took the average father in an average correctional setting and exaggerated things to the point of being abusive which reaches, whether intentional or not, into that sliver of resentment most kids have when punished, causing to swell in them an emboldenment -- a "justification" -- to lash out. I am certain many adolescents, particularly embittered teens who watch this movie, instead of seeing Arturo as the poor example he was, will see Arturo in their fathers the next time dad corrects them or denies privileges {You're no better than Arturo!}. That is where we are, folks. Coping skills and truthful discernment being the victims, or rather the kids being the victims -- again. And heaven help the man who is truly like Arturo. Eph. 5:23 states "For the husband is the head of the wife..." Gen. 3:16 states "...and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." Prov. 6:20 States "My son [child], keep your father's commands..." Wow! How politically incorrect! And that is precisely what The Price of Glory nurtures -- the politically incorrectness of the Bible by so severely exaggerating fatherhood situations into raw abuse in challenge of these Scriptures that it is almost unavoidable to embrace the distortions by movies of the role of the father in the family. These verses demand that the father and husband be a good ruler and commander. But no man can be a good ruler and commander without knowing how and when to be a good servant and follower [Matt. 20:27;.Matt. 23:12; Mark 9:35]. Sometimes the go-getter must be the go-fer -- willingly. We would do well to take example from our Lord Jesus. He who is our Master is also our Servant. He said so. [Matt. 20:28]. Arturo was severely lacking in knowing when and how to be a good servant and follower. In an effort to improve the chances of the continuation of these reports, this Summary/Commentary section will be progressively minimized and may eventually have to be discontinued. Please see the Findings/Scoring section below for a full accounting of this movie: for the best representation of the CAP Entertainment Media Analysis Model applied to this movie. FINDINGS / SCORING: ![]() NOTE: Multiple occurrences of each item described below may be likely. Wanton Violence/Crime (W): Impudence/Hate (I)(1): Sex/Homosexuality (S): Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O)(2): Murder/Suicide (M)(3): ![]() |