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A service to parents and grandparents MAR21017 The Mexican (2001), (R) CAP Score: 21 CAP Influence Density: 3.58 |
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THE MEXICAN (R) -- the heterosexual immoralities in it are shadowed by the homosexual presences. A rare handgun was worth lives to several bad guys. And Jerry Welbach (Brad Pitt) had to go to Mexico to fetch it. Samantha (Julia Roberts), Jerry's live-in girlfriend did not want him to go. Samantha wants to go to Las Vegas where she and Jerry had planned to go before this hopefully last errand for Jerry came up. Jerry said "No" to Las Vegas. Samantha said "Yes." Jerry goes to Mexico. Samantha goes to Las Vegas. Bad guy Margolese (Gene Hackman) spent time in prison for something Jerry did or did not do in one of the "errands" Jerry does for the bad guys. So Jerry performs more odd errands to work off his debt. The latest errand, hopefully the last, is to go to Mexico to pick up The Mexican, an operational antique handgun of immense value to Margolese. The Mexican is so valuable to Margolese that insurance to ensure Jerry gets the job done is Jerry's life. As further insurance that Jerry does his job, another bad guy, Leroy (James Gandolfini) kidnaps Samantha on her way to Las Vegas. Samantha fears for her life or of being violated by Leroy -- he's a big dude. After time, Samantha beings to wonder why Leroy doesn't try the expected. In a restaurant, she finds she has nothing to fear regarding being violated ... Leroy is gay. Samantha discovers this as Leroy experiences "a moment" with a dude at the counter. And sure enough, in keeping with a the evident trend of modern entertainment to promote and encourage homosexuality, Leroy and the dude end up in a motel bedroom -- together. There is much display of homosexual mannerisms, techniques and conversational topics in this flick, mom/dad. Indeed, the heterosexual immoralities in it are shadowed by the homosexual presences. Most of the reviews I have read laud this movie for the "sensitive" and "endearing" dialogues and exchanges between Roberts and Gandolfini: that the chemistry between Pitt and Roberts is, in comparison, absent. And, of course, no legal consequences ... at all. Sorry to make the topic of homosexuality such a long "sermon" but this is an extremely vulnerable topic in this era of post-Clintonics. The property of this film which painted a pro-homosexual "message" was the treatment and encouragement of homosexuality as normal, acceptable, and even desirable: as if homosexuality were as routine as taking your shoes off at the end of the day and as wholesome as mom's apple pie; as if broken homosexual relationships are as devastating as broken heterosexual relationships because of the homosexuality. And this was done in The Mexican using the power of the larger-than-life, in-your-face "authority" of big name "idols" on a sixty-foot screen and hundreds of watts of audio power. The love I feel for my father and my sons and their love for me is as real as the sunrise, as real as my love for my mother, my wife and my daughters and their love for me. The only love I have which is deeper and richer is my love for Jesus. And my love for all mankind, males included whether straight or gay, is real also. Why am I going here? To show you there is nothing wrong with male to male or female to female love -- as long as it is not sexual. God speaks very, very encouragingly about loving one another but very, very sternly to homosexuality: to unforgiven homosexual practices. There is no "interpretation" possible to make homosexuality acceptable to Him. God condemns homosexuality in several places of the Bible [1Cor. 6:9-10; Rom. 1:26-27 and many more]. While He condemns homosexuality He loves the practitioner, indeed all of us, enough to forgive him/her if s/he asks. The homosexual is as precious to Jesus as you and I. One of the most off-the-wall excuses I've heard is the one in which the practitioner states s/he is Christian and that Salvation forgives all sins -- past, present and future -- so the homosexual is free to practice it and still be saved. Yes, once we have received the Gift of Salvation we will never lose it -- we have His Word on it [Rev. 3:5]. But it is all too convenient that these folks seem deny the Command in 1Pet. 2:16 "Live as free men [saved, free of eternal damnation as the price of sin], but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil [NOT use freedom through Salvation as license to sin]." Once we are saved by the Preciosu Blood we are free from eternity in Hell but we are are NOT immune to consequences of sin. What Jesus did for us gave us eternal Life in Paradise but He did not e-v-e-r say we will never have to pay for our (unforgiven) sins after we have been saved. We are ALL sinners and must ask forgiveness every day. Payment for our unforgiven sins can take any form He wishes. One school of thought is suffering trials on earth or that our sins can block His Grace [undeserved gifts]. Another school of thought is loss of rewards in Heaven. The bottom line: we are NOT free to sin after being saved. And homosexuality is a sin no matter what the contemporary culture says. We have His Word on that, too. Whether we believe it or not. Many escapades erupt as Jerry proceeds into Mexico to fetch The Mexican., but I'll not spend any more time on this and will get to additional issues that provide possible aberrant behavioral templates. Remember, while no single movie is likely to corrupt viewer coping skills and behavior choices, under conducive conditions any one movie can catalyze the multitude of influences planted by hundreds and thousands of elements of immorality in and as entertainment AND the myriad of other negative influences children must cope with day after day. The American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry AND this ministry agree that aberrant entertainment takes its toll on the decision-making skills of viewers. Matters of violence and/or crime in The Mexican include threats to kill, gunfire deaths, murder by gunfire, attempts to kill by gunfire and suicide by gunfire [Hab. 2:12]. Foul language was off-scale. Uses of the most foul of the foul words more than doubled the number of uses of the three/four letter word vocabulary [Col. 3:8]. And there were many, many uses of God's name in vain both with and without the four letter expletive [Deut. 5:11]. Most of the points lost in Sex/Homosexuality were due to the homosexual programming. Items of heterosexual immorality included partial nudity, a man and woman in bed together, cohabitation, and adults in underwear [Col. 3:5]. Many murders of various mechanisms and the suicide of a young girl drew down the Murder/Suicide score [Deut. 5:17]. If needed to focus or fortify, applicable text is underlined or bracketed [ ]. As always, it is best to refer to the Findings/Scoring section -- the heart of the CAP analysis model -- for the most complete assessment possible of this movie. FINDINGS / SCORING: ![]() NOTE: Multiple occurrences of each item described below may be likely, definitely when plural. Wanton Violence/Crime (W): Impudence/Hate (I)(1): Sex/Homosexuality (S): Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O)(2): Murder/Suicide (M)(3):
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