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A service to parents and grandparents MAR20063 The Kid (2000), (PG) CAP Score: 86 CAP Influence Density: 0.24 |
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SUMMARY / COMMENTARY: *The Kid* (PG) -- Bruce W. is getting a name costarring with kids. Russ Duritz (Bruce Willis) is a 40-years-minus-two-days cranky and abrasive but brilliant image consultant who tells people how to make themselves look better. But tact and diplomacy are foreign to Duritz. Indeed, rudeness seems to be his natural way. But, no! Daddy was at fault as usual. Because of some abuse suffered at the hands of his father (of course), Russ had completely blocked all memory of his childhood. I'm sure his self-protective memory loss could not possibly have been the death of his mother while he was eight years old. Moveis are always true to real life aren't they? Arriving home one night, flashing through Russ's headlights was a young boy who was retrieving his toy airplane that belonged to Russ from his childhood. What? Belong to the boy but was the adult's toy from his chldnood? In order to not spoil the movie too much, I won't tell you how it got there, but it is key to the time displacement portrayed in this movie which I will discuss later. Let me just say Russ put the toy airplane there himself. Chasing the boy down, Russ finds himself in a dinner from his childhood but no sprinting lad. But back at his home, Russ finds .. himself. The sprinting lad found his way back to Russ's home and the lad turns out to be Russ when he was eight years old. Eight year old Russ, er, Rusty (Spencer Breslin) takes up residence in Russ's home and shares the lifestyle of an eight year old with him. Some elements of Rusty's character were delightful, some were disrespectful. One of the things said by Rusty I found particularly appropriate was about television: "Ninety-nine channels and nothing any good is on." Many shenanigans and much heart-tugging happens as Russ helps Rusty to be a kid and as Rusty helps Russ relive his childhood. Now there's a twist! A kid helping a man be a kid all over again and a man helping a kid become a man -- all over again!? Maybe not such a twist, except the kid and the man were the same guy {arrgh!]. And along the way, somehow Rusty even gets fetching and wise Amy (Emily Mortimer), Russ's key aide, and Russ together as man and wife. Although not a "kid's show" per se, it was delightful. There were "supernatural powers" of time displacement in it but there was nothing evil or sinister or nothing even that selfish about the supernatural elements. I do not suspect Jesus objected to the presentation of what is typical of childhood fantasy. I can find no Scripture which makes sinful the delving into time in the way this movie presented it. But there may be. Just because I can't find any does not mean there are none. God did it (not that that makes it okay for us to mess with it). He sent John into the future to give us the Book of Revelation, didn't He? This is an interactive ministry. If you find Scriptures that speak to the time displacement issue, please let me know It is theorized that time displacement happens as a traveler approaches and exceeds the speed of light. It is expected that an observer traveling faster than the speed of light can see passed events by the warping of the time-space continuum as matter exceeds the boundaries of Newtonian physics as past events "catch up" with the traveler in the postulated circular properties of time eddies -- as the traveler approaches and exceeds the speed of the subatomic particles and electrochemical activity of which he is made. But there is no mention I have heard of about seeing light that has not yet been emitted (the future). I suppose since time for a traveler is supposed to slow down as the traveler approaches the speed of light that the traveler could be seen as if he was in the future of a "stationary" observer since the observer gets older faster than the traveler. It's all a matter of perspective, kind of like negative numbers. Occupation of the same moment by the same person from 28 years ago and today and from 30 years into the future is confusing enough for adults. It is likely your young-uns will capture only the superficial properties of this flick such as an adolescent yelling at and adult and abuse of an adolescent by an adult. While this was a family movie, there were some elements in it that are clearly not in keeping with His expectations of us. A consistent theme of adult rudeness [Prov. 8:13] (which the writers cleverly "redeem" with humbling in the end), adolescent arrogance against authority [Is. 30:1], talk of "seeing your mother naked" [Gen. 9:23], and a 2nd grade boy scooting face-up under a monkey bar set at school while a 2nd grade girl was swinging on the bars while wearing a dress. There was also a lot of an adult "authority figure" yelling at a child and even being quite animated about it [Eph 6:4], lies to cover up behavior [Prov. 19:5], and reckless endangerment in traffic. Worst of all influences was the brutalizing of young Rusty by his father [Eph 6:4]. FINDINGS / SCORING: ![]() NOTE: Multiple occurrences of each item described below may be likely. Wanton Violence/Crime (W): Impudence/Hate (I)(1): Sex/Homosexuality (S): Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O)(2): Murder/Suicide (M)(3): ![]() |