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A service to parents and grandparents MAR14699 Anywhere But Here (1999), (PG-13) CAP Score: 53 CAP Influence Density: 1.37 |
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ALERT: To fully understand this report you should first visit the topics suggested by the CAP Table of Contents. SUMMARY / COMMENTARY: *Anywhere But Here* (PG-13) -- I certainly lost respect for Natalie Portman. Ann August (Natalie Portman), a 14 year old was little more than a teen malcontent. This part for Portman was a departure from her success with the style of maturity and strength she portrayed in Star Wars: Episode I, but yet a style so much the rage for teenage movies nowadays. Adele August (Susan Sarandon, Ann's mother), who forced Ann to do things that loving and wise mothers maybe should not force their daughters to do [Eph 6:4], is little more than an over-aged teenager portraying the almost least possible role of motherhood. It seemed the mother-daughter love shared was manufactured as a self-serving mother tried to mentor a self-serving daughter: that the love was not so much love as it was co-dependency with more of the "co" by the daughter and more of the "dependency" by the mother. The CAP final score of 53 for *Anywhere But Here* is one point under the upper cell boundary for scoring earned by R movies of 1995/96 (55 starts the PG-13 cell). So, this was a "lite" R movie, which makes (for the lack of a better expression) "sense" since the programming now encompassed by PG-13 movies used to be rated R. *Anywhere But Here* contained enough arrogance [Prov 6:17], rebellion [1Sam 15:23; Deut 5:16], language [Eph. 5:4], and sexual material [Matt 6:23] for the Impudence/Hate (I) and Sex/Homosexuality (S) Investigation Area scores to be equivalent to R-rated programming of 1995/96. Indeed, the ignominy in these two of the six CAP Investigation Area scores were almost 100% of the reason for the CAP score. Teenage arrogance and rebellion against a mother's authority was rampant, which is typical for PG and PG-13 movies. Now do you wonder why so many teens are so much more rebellious against parents than as recent as ten years ago? I am certain there are a lot of folks who do not believe that entertainment media influence their kids. To that I ask why, then, is there such a push for banning of cigarette and liquor advertising on TV commercials? By the way, since there is so much concern for what influences our kids in commercials, why is there no apparent concern for what goes on between the commercials? [Ps. 101:3] I would like to bring up front an atypical device of the entertainment industry. This movie presented a big ole kindly Irish cop (Michael Milhoan, of course Irish cops are kindly, that a big chunk of me is Irish is beside the point) performing *true* police work -- using love and concern with wisdom to defuse an argument between the girl and her mother with due authority and consequences clearly understood. Fathers could take example from that. That the movie portrayed that it is acceptable for a daughter to argue with her mother was the token attempt to counter this very positive and quite welcome weller of humble and thankful eyes. Hats off to Michael Milhoan for a good good job. Maybe the writers wrote it, but Michael performed it, and performed it well. So many of our visitors seem to be relying only on this Summary/Commentary for a full assessment of this movie. This is not possibble. For the best representation of the CAP Entertainment Media Analysis Model applied to this movie, visit the Findings/Scoring section below. FINDINGS / SCORING: ![]() NOTE: Multiple occurrences of each item described below are likely. Wanton Violence/Crime (W): Impudence/Hate (I)(1): Sex/Homosexuality (S): Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O)(2): Murder/Suicide (M)(3): |