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A service to our youth through you, their parents and grandparents, in His name by His Word MAR22107 Tuck Everlasting (2002), PG Analysis Date: October 11, 2002 CAP Score: 69 CAP Influence Density: 0.56 MinMax: -100 |
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TUCK EVERLASTING (PG) -- ...what to do about Winnie. Production:, Beacon Communications, Jane Startz Productions, Scholastic Productions, Walt Disney Pictures Distribution: Buena Vista Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures Director(s): Jay Russell Producer(s): Marc Abraham, Armyan Bernstein, Thomas A. Bliss, Deborah Forte, Jane Startz, William Teitler, Max Wong Written by/Screenplay: Novel: Natalie Babbitt. Screenplay: Jeffrey Lieber, James V. Hart Cinematography/Camera: James L. Carter Music: William Ross Film Editing: Jay Lash Cassidy Casting: Mary Gail Artz, Barbara Cohen, Pat Moran Production Design: Tony Burrough Art Direction: Ray Kluga ![]() A warm and endearing story of the flowering of a young girl who discovered a boy for the first time. Unfortunately she is mortal and he is immortal. I guess that since your child will see 18,000 murders in his/her 18 years of entertainment that it is okay to expose kids of PG age to bullets audibly hitting bodies since the human targets don't die ... three times. This movie is rated PG by the MPAA and earned a CAP score (69) equivalent to low-end PG movies in the CAP comparative baseline database scoring range for PG movies (86 to 68 out of 100). But it is mathematically equivalent to many R-rated features in violence (a score of zero in Wanton Violence/Crime). Three times, point-blank gunfire is stopped by two teenagers and a man is killed by a blow to the head with a shotgun barrel. And an abducted girl is threatened with a firearm to her head. [Ps. 62:10, Prov. 3:31-32, Ps. 141:4 , Prov. 10:23] Just before World War I, Winifred "Winnie" Foster (Alexis Bledel) is the 14 or 15 year old daughter of a wealthy man, Robert Foster (Victor Garber) and his wife (Amy Irving) in an upscale upstate New York estate. By suffocating love the Fosters drove Winnie into grasping for freedom and independence. After a few expressions of spreading her wings, it is decided Winnie is ready for refining school. In a burst of outburst, Winnie declares she is not going to refining school, defies the confines of her well-to-do fenced in yard and escapes into the freedom of the woods surrounding the Foster estate. There she meets cinematic reality that will change her for the rest of her life. Found sipping from a small spring well at the base of a great tree, Jessie Tuck (Jonathan Jackson) catches Winnie's eye ... and heart. Big brother Miles Tuck (Scott Bairstow) discovers Winnie and Jessie becoming close friends and fears she has discovered the family secret. In the patriarchy of the Scottish family, Miles immediately abducts Winnie to his father, Angus Tuck (William Hurt) for what to do about Winnie. Mother Mae Tuck (Sissy Spacek, in an academy award winning quality performance) fusses and frets like a mother hen over Winnie until Angus returns. Soon, Jessie and Winnie fall in love and what to do with Winnie is clear. Jessie invites Winnie to come with the family as they run from a witch hunter ... to spend the rest of her life, the rest of eternity with him as his bride. ??? Seventeen year old Jessie is 104 years old and will be a 17 year old boy forever. Angus and Mae Tuck will be middle aged forever. Miles will be a young man forever. And thus the title *Tuck Everlasting*. That is all I will spoil in case the findings we reveal are acceptable to you. Clearly *Tuck Everlasting* is not a witchcraft movie nor is it something that should be passed off as simple childhood fantasy entertainment. Even the MPAA thinks there is something of concern to it. Though the matters of violence are the strongest presence of ignominy in this film, additional matters of likely concern for the Christian parent and grandparent include the issue of immortality [1Tim. 1:17, 1Tim. 6:13 - 16]. We will each live forever but not as humans. Worldly immortality is not possible Nether is invulnerability. A priest in the movie rightfully calls lust for immortality blasphemous. The matter of worldly immortality is indeed a mockery of the Scriptures that promise eternal life. Which gives cause for a sermon -grin-. 1Cor. 15:51 through 54 state "Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep [spiritually die], but we will all be changed [from mortal to immortal] - in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead [who had accepted Jesus as Lord and resurrected Savior] will be raised imperishable [not subject to decay or death], and we will be changed. For the perishable [the dead] must clothe itself with the imperishable [given a new "body", invulnerable and immortal in eternal life], and the mortal with immortality [eternal life, invulnerable and immortal]. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: 'Death has been swallowed up in victory [we will live forever by Christ's victory over death].'" So, immortality while we are still alive as mortals is not possible and to think otherwise sinful. It is only given to us after death *if* we accept before we die that Jesus is Lord and resurrected Savior. And we will *not* be immortal on this Earth. Even they who have not accepted Jesus as Lord and resurrected Savior will be given immortality, but will live their immortality in Hell. We all have immortal souls but when our time on Earth is finished we will each die from this Earth. Where our immortal soul spends eternity is a God-given choice. But there are only two choices. Heaven or Hell. And by not choosing, the choice is made. SCRIPTURAL APPLICATION(S) If needed to focus or fortify, applicable text is underlined or bracketed [ ]. If you wish to have full context available, the Blue Letter Bible is a convenient source. If you use the Blue Letter Bible, a new window will open. Close it to return here or use "Window" in your browser's menu bar to alternate between the CAP page and the Blue Letter Bible page. *******Food for Daily Thought******* As always, it is best to refer to the Findings/Scoring section -- the heart of the CAP analysis model -- for the most complete assessment possible of this movie. |
![]() Wanton Violence/Crime (W): Impudence/Hate (I)(1): Sex/Homosexuality (S): Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O)(2): Murder/Suicide (M)(3): |
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NOTE: The CAP Analysis Model makes no scoring allowances for trumped-up "messages" to excuse or for manufacturing of justification for aberrant behavior or imagery, or for camouflaging such ignominy with "redeeming" programming. Disguising sinful behavior in a theme plot does not excuse the sinful behavior of either the one who is drawing pleasure or example from the sinful display or the practitioners demonstrating the sinful behavior. This is NOT a movie review service. It is a movie analysis service to parents and grandparents to tell them the truth about movies using the Truth. |
"There are some in the entertainment industry who maintain that 1) violent programming is harmless because no studies exist that prove a connection between violent entertainment and aggressive behavior in children, and 2) young people know that television, movies, and video games are simply fantasy. Unfortunately, they are wrong on both accounts." And "Viewing violence may lead to real life violence." I applaud these associations for fortifying 1 Cor. 15:33. Read the rest of the story. From our nearly seven years of study, I contend that other aberrant behaviors, attitudes, and expressions can be inserted in place of "violence" in that statement. Our Director - Child Psychology Support, a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist concurs. For example, "Viewing arrogance against fair authority may lead to your kids defying you in real life." Or "Viewing sex may lead to sex in real life." Likewise and especially with impudence, hate and foul language. I further contend that any positive behavior can be inserted in place of "violence" with the same chance or likelihood of being a behavior template for the observer; of being incorporated into the behavior mechanics and/or coping skills of the observer. In choosing your entertainment, please consider carefully the "rest of the story" and our findings. |