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A service to our youth through you, their parents and grandparents, in His name by His Word MAR22014 Slackers (partial) (2002), R Analysis Date: February 1, 2002 CAP Score: 20 CAP Influence Density: 3.85 |
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SLACKERS (partial) (R) -- A forgettable datapoint, thankfully. Distributed by: Screen Gems Director(s): Dewey Nicks Producer(s): Carrie Cook, Dawn Ebert-Byrnes, Erik Feig, Louis G. Friedman, Bradley Jenkel, Mark Morgan, Neal H. Moritz, Shintaro Shimosawa, Patrice Theroux Written by/Screenplay: David H. Steinberg Cinematography/Camera: James R. Bagdonas Music: Joseph L. Altruda, Venus Brown, Justin Stanley Editing: Tara Timpone If I never see another movie like *Slackers*, it will be too soon. Three guys do their best to cheat their way through college while a forth (geek) extorts them after discovering their plans [2Tim. 2:5]. How they got accepted into college is a mystery and likely a mistake. I left after 30 minutes when the geek was sponging the breasts of a prostitute in a hospital [Rev. 21:8]. I should have left much sooner and deleted this file, but what can I say? I promised to provide you with analyses of G, PG, PG-13 and R-rated movies (no NC-17/X). Maybe just this little piece I have to say about *Slackers* will prevent someone from wasting their time and money with it. Not to mention their kids. I wish I had a nickel for every underage child I have seen in R-rated movies. *With* their parents. I'll treat this movie as just another datapoint in our on-going research. A forgettable datapoint, thankfully. This analysis represents the scoring of just the first 30 minutes. Who cares what is in the rest of the show if the first 30 minutes are trash? I don't. As a reminder to our adversarial readers, the CAP analysis model is just as efficient and accurate for a partial viewing as it is for a complete viewing. The scoring earned by the partial viewing is truly representative *of that portion* of the movie. That the viewing is partial is not a cheat. This is not a movie review service. It is a service to His little ones (which includes at-home teens) through their parents and grandparents in His name by His Word to reveal to parents and grandparents the truth about the content of movies so they can make an informed decision on their own whether a flick is fit or not. I am not going to spend any more time on this analysis than is absolutely necessary. Let the Scriptures plus the listing in the Findings/Scoring section speak for themselves. SCRIPTURAL APPLICATION(S) If needed to focus or fortify, applicable text is underlined or bracketed [ ]. If you wish to have full context available, the Blue Letter Bible is a convenient source. If you use the Blue Letter Bible, a new window will open. Close it to return here or use "Window" in your browser's menu bar to alternate between the CAP page and the Blue Letter Bible page. *******Food for Thought******* As always, it is best to refer to the Findings/Scoring section -- the heart of the CAP analysis model -- for the most complete assessment possible of this movie. |
![]() Wanton Violence/Crime (W): Impudence/Hate (I)(1): Sex/Homosexuality (S): Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O)(2): Murder/Suicide (M)(3): |
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NOTE: The CAP Analysis Model makes no scoring allowances for trumped-up "messages" to excuse or for manufacturing of justification for aberrant behavior or imagery, or for camouflaging such ignominy with "redeeming" programming. Disguising sinful behavior in a theme plot does not excuse the sinful behavior of either the one who is drawing pleasure or example from the sinful display or the practitioners demonstrating the sinful behavior. This is NOT a movie review service. It is a movie analysis service to parents and grandparents to tell them the truth about movies using the Truth. |
"There are some in the entertainment industry who maintain that 1) violent programming is harmless because no studies exist that prove a connection between violent entertainment and aggressive behavior in children, and 2) young people know that television, movies, and video games are simply fantasy. Unfortunately, they are wrong on both accounts." And "Viewing violence may lead to real life violence." I applaud these associations for fortifying 1 Cor. 15:33. Read the rest of the story. From our nearly seven years of study, I contend that other aberrant behaviors, attitudes, and expressions can be inserted in place of "violence" in that statement. Our Director - Child Psychology Support, a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist concurs. For example, "Viewing arrogance against fair authority may lead to your kids defying you in real life." Or "Viewing sex may lead to sex in real life." Likewise and especially with impudence, hate and foul language. I further contend that any positive behavior can be inserted in place of "violence" with the same chance or likelihood of being a behavior template for the observer; of being incorporated into the behavior mechanics and/or coping skills of the observer. In choosing your entertainment, please consider carefully the "rest of the story" and our findings. |