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A ministry of the ChildCare Action Project: Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP Ministry) A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Christian Ministry. www.capalert.com/ Entertainment Media Analysis Report A service to His little ones through you in His name by His Word MAR27039 ![]() (2007), PG-13 [Hard R-13*] (1hr 17min) The #1 Christian entertainment media analysis service on the Internet. We give you OBJECTIVE tools NO ONE ELSE CAN to help YOU make an informed decision for yourself whether a film is fit for your family. Over 1100 analyses for parents, grandparents, pastors, youth leaders and more. |
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(While the Scriptural references are certainly not subjective, my commentary may be and sometimes is somewhat subjective.)
![]() Cast/Crew Details Courtesy Internet Movie Database Production (US): Akom Production Company, Gracie Films, Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation Distribution (US): Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation Director(s): David Silverman Producer(s): James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Al Jean, Jay Kleckner, Amanda Moshay, Felicia Nalivansky, Matt Orefice, Richard Sakai, Mike Scully, Craig Sost Creator: Matt Groening Developer: James L. Brooks, Matt Groening Screenplay: Matt Groening, Al Jean, James L. Brooks, Ian Maxtone-Graham, George Meyer, David Mirkin, Mike Reiss, Mike Scully, Matt Selman, John Swartzwelder, Jon Vitti Consultant Writer: Joel Cohen, John Frink, Tim Long, Michael Price Cinematography/Camera: Music: Hans Zimmer Production Management: Julie Peng Art Direction: Dima Malanitchev Viewed At: Driftwood Theater 6 It seems that for many of us life is such that we have become so hungry for some levity in our lives that we will take even vulgarity as humor and call it good ... if that is all we can get [Isa. 5:20]. And that is all we get in The Simpsons Movie -- bizarre, empty vulgarity that fogs the mind and obscures wholesomeness, painting immoral as amoral. [Eph. 5:4] These "Babylonians", these destroyers from within are here to stay [Jer. 37:9] as long as we continue [Ps. 12:8] to partake of their delicacies [Ps. 141:4]. Maybe our acceptance of such vulgarity is because "We have become so drugged by the narcotics of extremes in and as entertainment that what once was morally unacceptable has become morally invisible: what was once immoral is now amoral." --TC For those of you who have been with us for years, you know that the CAP analysis model treats animated behaviors as influential as onscreen behaviors by live actors/actresses if the behaviors demonstrated by the animated characters may reasonably be duplicated by or subjected to a child. With that in mind, The Simpsons Movie may be best described as pediatric pornography since it includes much male adolescent nudity including full frontal nudity. The Simpsons Movie is fully equivalent to most R-rated films in magnitude or influence envelope in five of the six CAP investigation areas. I guess that makes it a "kiddie R". I am not going to "dignify" this film with a commentary of its plot or story. The "plot/story" was little more than a vehicle to transport the vulgarity to you: a device to enable imparting filth. I should think reputable environmentalists would be offended by being associated with this film by being part of the target of it. With a final score of 15 out of 100, I have nothing good to say about any of the parts that just might have a positive statement (as most films do) because, however few they are, positive elements are so deeply embedded in animated manure they are nearly invisible. The immoral screaming of this film drowns out the gossamer whispers of good. The caliber of this film could also be compared to filling a theater auditorium with manure two inches deep then sprinkling a drop or two of perfume in three of four places. While sitting in your chair are you going to be able to smell the perfume? Even if you are sitting next to where the perfume landed? Wanton Violence/Crime (W) The violence/crime content of this film was intense or dense enough to cause loss of all the starting 100 points in this investigation area, leaving an area score of zero. Three drowning deaths. Eye impalement with the claw of a claw hammer. A father choking a child. Gunfire to kill. Arrow impalement. A hanging staging. More. [Prov. 16:29] Plus a baby-killing video game. Impudence/Hate (I) In addition to the obligatory uses of profanity [Col. 3:8], The Simpsons Movie presented many matters of family friction and "shock value" distortions of right: the son firing pellets at the father; the father daring the son to skateboard nude; the mother telling the daughter that since she is female she is free to hold on to anger forever; the father calling the daughter "an accident"; more. [Luke 17:2] This investigation area found enough ignominy to cause the loss of all but 9 of its starting 100 points. Sexual Immorality (S) Sexual immorality content in this film not only presented things such as posterior cleavage, crotch hit, a homosexual kiss, masturbation innuendo, implied intercourse, a female pointing the direction to go by swinging her breasts and, of course, characters in underwear plus self-touching, this film portrayed long sequences of full adolescent nudity. Once with anatomically correct full frontal nudity centered on the groin. While the French fry scene in the trailers was there, a scene without the French fry was also there. [1 John 2:26, 1Ths. 4:1 - 3, Rev. 22:15] The content of the film in this investigation area also caused the loss of all its starting 100 points. Drugs/Alcohol (D) Mainly because of issues of adolescent intoxication and addiction to alcohol, this film earned the lowest possible score (zero out of 100) in this investigation area. And because of the vulnerability of the target age stratum, I am going to make a big deal of the alcohol-related content of The Simpsons Movie. The drinking and drunkenness are of significant danger in this film suggested by the MPAA as being fit for the middle school age stratum. A study by the American College of Physicians (ACP) revealed that adolescent exposure to drinking and smoking in and as entertainment leads to undeniable abuse of alcohol among underage kids. The finding entitled Relation Between Parental Restrictions on Movies and Adolescent Use of Tobacco and Alcohol reports that of 4544 youths from grades 5 through 8 of fifteen Vermont and New Hampshire middle schools (90% were under fourteen years old) only 16% were completely restricted from viewing R-rated movies. The researchers selected R-rated movies because they assumed R-rated movies typically present more drinking than movies of other classifications. This assumption is no longer true. The researchers were not aware of the matter of "R-13" proven by this ministry (see R-13) and four years after us by Harvard University scientists (see Harvard Agrees With Us). The bottom line? The focus is the influence of adolescent exposure to drinking (and smoking) in and as entertainment is undeniable regardless of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) classification. Within the ACP study population, the prevalence of having tried alcohol without parental knowledge was Rather revealing of the influences of the entertainment industry wouldn't you say? And emboldening children to sin with drink in and as entertainment screams of violating Luke 17:2. Even the University of Connecticut corroborates our finding and that of the ACP. [Eph. 5:18] I can add to the ACP study that reveals films which present drinking and drunkenness contribute to underage substance abuse. I submit that it is not so much the presence of alcohol in films or the rating of the film(s) that embolden youth to abuse it, but is rather the attitude portrayed: the attitude of freedom form authority, freedom form accountability and freedom for consequences. PG-13 and R-rated films, sometimes lesser rated films, are typically heavy with attitude. Our report on this, ATTITUDE: In Perspective -- Investigation Area Scoring and Trend in CAP Entertainment Industry Investigations, Special Report-001 may provide more understanding of the point. This investigation area also found enough content to cause the loss of all its starting 100 points. Offense to God (O) Lo and behold! Five points out of 100! That is the score earned due to content of this film in this investigation area. While the use of God's name in vain is often, once even with the four letter expletive [Deut. 5:11], as one character convulses on the floor another character fans through the pages of the Bible while desperately groaning "This book doesn't have any answers." [2Tim. 3:16] Contempt for God, faith and the Scriptures were present throughout. [Ps. 31:18] Murder/Suicide (M) An impalement murder plus a video game murder and a personified robot graphically committing suicide by gunfire to the head with the head contents spewing probably should have caused the Murder/Suicide score to be lower, but the analysis model will not let me inject any of my subjective opinions into the scoring distribution. What was the MPAA thinking!? SCRIPTURAL APPLICATION(S) If needed to focus or fortify, applicable text is underlined or bracketed [ ] or bold. If you wish to have full context available, the Blue Letter Bible is a convenient source. If you use the Blue Letter Bible, a new window will open. Close it to return here or use "Window" in your browser's menu bar to alternate between the CAP page and the Blue Letter Bible page. CHAPTER/VERSE ***Selected Scriptures of Armour against the influence of the entertainment industry*** As always, it is best to refer to the Findings/Scoring section -- the heart of the CAP analysis model -- for the most complete assessment possible of this movie. |
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![]() Wanton Violence/Crime (W) Impudence/Hate (I) Sexual Immorality (S) Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O) Murder/Suicide (M) |
There are some in the entertainment industry who maintain that 1) violent programming is harmless because no studies exist that prove a connection between violent entertainment and aggressive behavior in children, and 2) young people know that television, movies, and video games are simply fantasy. Unfortunately, they are wrong on both accounts." And "Viewing violence may lead to real life violence." I applaud these associations for fortifying 1 Cor. 15:33. Read the rest of the story. From our years of study, I contend that other aberrant behaviors, attitudes, and expressions can be inserted in place of "violence" in that statement. Our Director - Child Psychology Support, a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist concurs. For example, "Viewing arrogance against fair authority may lead to your kids defying you in real life." Or "Viewing sex may lead to sex in real life." Likewise and especially with impudence, hate and foul language. I further contend that any positive behavior can be inserted in place of "violence" with the same chance or likelihood of being a behavior template for the observer; of being incorporated into the behavior mechanics and/or coping skills of the observer. In choosing your entertainment, please consider carefully the "rest of the story" and our findings. |
In the name of Jesus: Thank you for visiting us and may God bless you. Prayerfully, we will provide you with some of the most revealing commentary and investigative reporting you have ever read. Lord, Master, Teacher, Savior, God. Tom Carder President ChildCare Action Project (CAP): Christian Analysis of American Culture 100% dependent on your tax-deductible financial support | ![]() |
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