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A ministry of the ChildCare Action Project: Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP Ministry) A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Christian Ministry. www.capalert.com/ Entertainment Media Analysis Report A service to His little ones through you in His name by His Word MAR28SP03 ![]() With Comparative of All Four of the Indiana Jones Quadrilogy (1989), PG-13 [Lite PG-13*] (2hr 02min) The #1 Christian entertainment media analysis service on the Internet. We give you OBJECTIVE tools NO ONE ELSE CAN to help YOU make an informed decision for yourself whether a film is fit for your family. Over 1200 analyses for parents, grandparents, pastors, youth leaders and more. |
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(While the Scriptural references are certainly not subjective, my commentary may be and sometimes is somewhat subjective.)
![]() Cast/Crew Details Courtesy Internet Movie Database Production (US): Lucasfilm, Paramount Pictures Distribution (US): Paramount Home Video Director(s): Steven Spielberg Producer(s): George Lucas. Frank Marshall. Arthur F. Repola. Robert Watts Characters: George Lucas, Philip Kaufman Story by: George Lucas, Menno Meyjes, Jeffrey Boam Cinematography/Camera: Douglas Slocombe Music: John Williams Film Editing: Michael Kahn, George Lucas Casting: Maggie Cartier, Mike Fenton, Valorie Massalas, Judy Taylor Production Design: Elliot Scott Art Direction: Fred Hole, Stephen Scott Viewed on Paramount Home Entertainment VHS I know everybody has seen it but I will still tell you about it. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (PG-13) earned a final score of 66. That places it one point below the top of the scoring range earned by PG-13 movies (67 to 55 out of 100) in the comparative baseline database. The final score of 66 also places it two points under the bottom of the scoring range earned by PG movies (86 to 68 out of 100). Last Crusade is thus an ultra-lite PG-13 just like Crystal Skull which earned a final score of 67. The scoring comparative shown below displays this. Below is also the reason I chose to analyze all four of the films in the Indiana Jones quadrilogy. ![]() The two PG-rated films earned scores earned by hard PG-13 or lite R movies in the comparative baseline database. The two PG-13 films earned scores nearly equivalent to scores earned by PG films. In spite of the MPAA not implementing the PG-13 rating until 1984 (the year of Temple of Doom), above is more evidence that the MPAA is inconsistent and unreliable. Maybe more than that, as seen in the Temple of Doom scoring distribution, it is evident the MPAA appears to care nothing about assault of God's Word and the inherent moral assault on our kids. Notice if you will the variations in the heights of the "mercury" columns between film scoring sets. This reveals a paradigm shift in content. Every Jones film is rife with violence but Last Crusade and Crystal Skull calmed down notably from Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Temple of Doom, especially in the Drugs/Alcohol (D) and Offense to God (O) investigation areas. I am not going to itemize all the information revealed by the above scoring comparative since the typical caliber of intellect of most of our readers seems to be higher than my own. Therefore, the probability is high that you can probably figure out for yourself what the above scoring comparative says. The four-film comparative is done. And I have found out what I wanted to find out. I hope you also find some useful information from the above comparative generated by the CAP analysis model built by Jesus through me. This installment of the Jones quadrilogy is akin to the episodes of the Star Wars phenomenon. This third film discusses some developments that happened before the first film and thus adds dimension to the Indy character. The story opens with teenage Henry "Indiana" Jones (River Phoenix), a.k.a "Indy", often called "Junior" by his father, Professor Henry Jones, Sr. (Sean Connery), in the Boy Scouts on an expedition in the deep West. Junior stumbles upon a grave-robbing dig by what seems to be some less than honorable characters. They are stealing the Cross of Coronado. Since Indy feels it should be in a museum, he steals it from the thieves and runs home to dad with it. The thieves, of course, chase after Indiana. Indiana commandeers one of the horses of the expedition and mounts a locomotive to get home , er, rather away from the bad guys after him. It is a circus train with lions and tigers and ... snakes. After falling into the lion's car, while trying to ward off the lion with a whip we discover how Indy came by the now famous scar on his chin. After an attempt to explain to dad what had happened and after rather distant attention from dad, the chief thief, Fedora (Richard Young), at the direction of the man in the Panama Hat (Tim Hiser, later Paul Maxwell), arrived shortly after young Indy ... with the sheriff (Marc Miles). It seems the Cross of Coronado was the legal property of the Panama Hat man. So, Fedora takes the cross and tells Indiana "You lost today, kid. But that doesn't mean you have to like it." and places his fedora on Indiana's head and pushes his head down onto Indiana's chest, hiding his face. In a clever device of the filmmakers the next scene is of an older Indiana (Harrison Ford) as he raises his still-face-hidden, fedora-clad head aboard a sea-going ship ... with the man in the Panama Hat again. Jones found the man in the Panama Hat and was trying to get the Cross of Coronado away from him to put it in a museum. In Dr. Marcus Brody's (Denholm Elliott) museum. Brody has bad news for Indy while again in the classroom teaching archeology to doting students. His father, Professor Henry Jones, Sr. has turned up missing on one of his escapade to locate the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus used at the Last Supper and the cup that Mary used to catch the blood and waters of Jesus as He hung on the Cross. Jones, Sr. was last seen in Venice, Italy. Contacting a man who might have information about the whereabouts of Jones, Sr., Walter Donovan (Julian Glover), Donovan has part of a shield with markings that partially reveal the location of the Grail. Both Indy and Brody travel to Venice to meet with Dr. Elsa Schneider (Alison Doody) who might be able to help Indy find his father. Through clever links the three of them begin the search for Indy's father via a search for the Holy Grail with information from the notebook Jones, Sr. sent to Indy earlier. After busting through the floor of a museum in Venice leading to the sewers below, Indy and Schneider find the rest of the shield with the location of the Holy Grail. Climbing out of the sewers, Indy and Schneider are attacked by the guardians of the Grail. After defeating the guardians (of course), one of them tells Indy where his father is held captive by the Nazis who are also looking for the grail. After rescuing his father, the pair travel by motorcycle to Berlin where Indy actually meets Hitler himself during a book-burning frenzy. And that is just the start of this two-hour romp in action adventure. From America to Venice to Berlin to the deserts of the Holy Land, this feature is packed with action and intrigue. It is probably one of the best of the Indiana Jones quadrilogy. But, like the other Indiana Jones episodes, it has some bad apples in its barrel. Wanton Violence/Crime (W) - Zero out of 100 As with the other three films of the Indiana Jones quadrilogy, this installment is rife with violence of varying intensities, the "trademarks" of the Indiana Jones phenomenon. Some of the scenes in the violence content were quite graphic such as the beheading of a Nazi soldier, seeing his head roll to a stop with the face forward and the crushing fall of a German commander where his body was not only flopped around as the tank he was in rolled after a great fall, but as the tank crushed his body. In addition, Jones, Sr. is shot to intimidate Indy into action that would prevent the Nazi's from finishing off Jones, Sr. Further, the film is filled with human rot. [Prov. 16:29, Prov. 3:31] There is so much violence in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade that it would take far too much space in this "brief description" to give you the level of information you need to know before deciding whether this film is fit for your kids ... or yourself. So please be sure to inspect the listing in the findings/Scoring section before deciding. Impudence/Hate (I) - 81 out of 100 Fortunately (?) the writers had someone cuss only five times. But God gave us some nasty-grams about such uncleanliness. [Col. 3:8, Mark 7:20] The lying did not help this investigation area score, either. Sexual Immorality (S) - 84 out of 100 The implied intercourse, the implications about sexually immoral behaviors and the implication of a father and son sharing the same sex partner were the extent of sexually oriented content. [Col. 3:5] Drugs/Alcohol (D) - 84 out of 100 This version of the Indiana Jones quadrilogy is refreshingly lite on alcohol content, so unlike the first one (Raiders of the Lost Ark). Booze appears only three times, drinking once and smoking once. But let me remind you that the American College of Physicians found that alcoholic beverages in and as entertainment embolden the young to try drinking. Offense to God (O) - 81 out of 100 A number of issues that violate God's Word caused the lost of about 20% of the starting 100 points in this investigation area. Aside from the three uses of God's name in vain (without the four letter expletive), Indy's portrayal of unbelief by calling the Gospel a "bedtime story" was indeed expensive to the scoring. [Rev. 21:8] Murder/Suicide (M) - 67 out of 100 It was the five murders, three all at once, that killed about one third of the starting 100 points in this investigation area. SCRIPTURAL APPLICATION(S) If needed to focus or fortify, applicable text is underlined or bracketed [ ] or bold. If you wish to have full context available, the Blue Letter Bible is a convenient source. If you use the Blue Letter Bible, a new window will open. Close it to return here or use "Window" in your browser's menu bar to alternate between the CAP page and the Blue Letter Bible page. CHAPTER/VERSE ***Selected Scriptures of Armour against the influence of the entertainment industry*** As always, it is best to refer to the Findings/Scoring section -- the heart of the CAP analysis model -- for the most complete assessment possible of this movie. |
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![]() Wanton Violence/Crime (W) - Zero out of 100 Impudence/Hate (I) - 81 out of 100 Sexual Immorality (S) - 84 out of 100 Drugs/Alcohol (D) - 84 out of 100 Offense to God (O) - 81 out of 100 Murder/Suicide (M) - 67 out of 100 |
There are some in the entertainment industry who maintain that 1) violent programming is harmless because no studies exist that prove a connection between violent entertainment and aggressive behavior in children, and 2) young people know that television, movies, and video games are simply fantasy. Unfortunately, they are wrong on both accounts." And "Viewing violence may lead to real life violence." I applaud these associations for fortifying 1 Cor. 15:33. Read the rest of the story. From our years of study, I contend that other aberrant behaviors, attitudes, and expressions can be inserted in place of "violence" in that statement. Our Director - Child Psychology Support, a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist concurs. For example, "Viewing arrogance against fair authority may lead to your kids defying you in real life." Or "Viewing sex may lead to sex in real life." Likewise and especially with impudence, hate and foul language. I further contend that any positive behavior can be inserted in place of "violence" with the same chance or likelihood of being a behavior template for the observer; of being incorporated into the behavior mechanics and/or coping skills of the observer. In choosing your entertainment, please consider carefully the "rest of the story" and our findings. |
Thank you for visiting us and may God bless you. Prayerfully, we will provide you with some of the most revealing commentary and investigative reporting you have ever read. In the name of Jesus: Lord, Master, Teacher, Savior, God. Tom Carder President ChildCare Action Project (CAP): Christian Analysis of American Culture 100% dependent on your tax-deductible financial support | ![]() |
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