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A service to His little ones (which includes at-home teens) through you, their parents and grandparents, in His name by His Word MAR23063 ![]() Analysis Date: June 29, 2003 CAP Score: 33 out of 100 CAP Influence Density: 1.90 MinMax: -72 |
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![]() (2003), PG-13 -- For Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle it was Sex. ![]() Cast/Crew Details Courtesy Internet Movie Database Production (US): Columbia Pictures Corporation, Flower Films (Barrymore/Juvonen), Mandy Films, Tall Trees Productions, Wonderland Sound and Vision Distribution (US): Columbia Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment Director(s): McG Producer(s): Drew Barrymore, Patrick Crowley, Amanda Goldberg, Leonard Goldberg, Nancy Juvonen, Stephanie Savage, Betty Thomas, Jenno Topping Written by/Screenplay: TV Series: Ivan Goff, Ben Roberts (television series). Story: John August. Screenplay: John August, Cormac Wibberley, Marianne Wibberley Cinematography/Camera: Russell Carpenter Music: William Orbit, Pink (song "Feel Good Time"); Ed Shearmur Film Editing: Wayne Wahrman Casting: Justine Baddeley, Kim Davis Production Design: J. Michael Riva Art Direction: David F. Klassen Viewed At: Driftwood Theater 6 It's more of the same. Just revved up a l-o-t. Noisier. Faster. Dylan Sanders (Drew Barrymore), Natalie Clark (Cameron Diaz) and Alex Munday (Lucy Liu) go under cover to thwart kidnappers, a criminal out to kill witnesses and an Irish gang out to get a pair of secret devices that tell all about government witnesses. The story opens in Mongolia as the three angels, working for the same "Charlie" (voice of John Forsythe), do battle with about fifty Mongols - "It hardly seems fair" (Alex) - to rescue an American agent from capture and imminent death. Natalie uses her physical charms to divert the attention of the bad guys with micro-skirted appeal while riding a mechanical bull ... sensuously. After escaping the hordes of Mongols in a bar, the angels narrowly escape a mortar round and tank fire by driving off the top of a dam in an 18-wheel rig. Plummeting to sure death, Natalie sky-dives with the American agent into the cockpit of a helicopter that was on the trailer of the 18-wheel rig, starts it up and pilots it so the other angels can sky-dive onto its fixed wings to be rescued only inches from the end of the fall. That is an example of the "Full Throttle" of the show. And it doesn't let up for long. Back in the States, the angels band together again to recover two metal rings that look like jewelry but are actually high density data storage devices. They store all the data for every man, woman and child in the Witness Protection Program. Data a lot of bad guys would give their eye teeth to have. Seamus O'Grady (Justin Theroux) of the notorious O'Grady's uses every underhanded means at his disposal to get the rings, even walking through fire. And former angel, Madison Lee (Demi Moore), now turned bad girl "Why be an angel when I can play God", is out to kill the angels ... and the witnesses of the Witness Protection Program. Dylan was Helen Zaas before becoming an angel. And the filmmakers had a field day with that name. Much in the same vein as the cartoon program named Dragon Ball Z(tm). All for our kids. And every time the name Zaas was spoken to take advantage of its plurality phonetic equivalence, I counted it as a use of a foul word. I doubt doing so will make any difference to those who write such crude humor, but a signal is given. Sometimes in PG-13 movies there are more occurrences of violation of His teachings and expectations of us than there are data entry fields in our investigation area recording logs (60 total data entry fields for each of the six investigation areas, W-I-S-D-O-M). Thus, sometimes the sum-count mathematical equations for one of the investigation areas must be modified to accommodate overflow. For PG-13 movies, it is typically Impudence/Hate (primarily because of language) which must have its equations modified to accommodate overflow. Not so in this case. For Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle it was Sex. Matt LeBlanc appears as Jason Gibbons, Alex's thrown out and thrown down boyfriend. Luke Wilson appears as Pete Komisky, Natalie's live-in boyfriend. Crispin Glover is again the Thin Man. John Cleese appears as Alex's father. Even Jaclyn Smith has a cameo as Kelly Garrett from the original TV angels. Bill Murray is thankfully not Bosley in this one but is replaced by comic Bernie Mac. Though Mac is good, just about anyone would have been able to play the part of Bosley. Even the Olsen twins, Mary-Kate and Ashley have a cameo appearance. There are some dazzling parts to be appreciated as artful and skillful . One is of a mess of motocross bikers doing their thing in a bike court under a highway overpass. Though this segment is used to present some rather graphic violence, some impressive biking skills are displayed. I think there was one moment when about a dozen bikers were harmoniously in the air at the same time. But... The Wanton Violence/Crime (W), Impudence/Hate (I) and Sex/Homosexuality (S) investigation areas each contained enough assaults on morality and ethics to earn zero scores. Not necessarily because of any exceptionally bold and extreme examples of ignominy (though there were a couple) but because of so many of them. The technique is the loading of a film with tons of lesser issues of ignominy, thus a less severe rating, e.g., PG-13, to get the same "effect" as a movie with just a few but bold and vile issues of ignominy, thus a more severe rating such as R. [Ps. 12:8] See our FAQs Violence is rapid, nearly constant, some of it severe. Tons of action violence, gunfire to kill, kung-fu fighting, blade and gunfire murder, impalement injuries and vehicular violence led the violence envelope. [Prov. 3:31-32; 1 Cor. 15:33]. Sexual immorality is, for the most part, presented as eye candy. There is, however, full female nudity in this movie. Barrymore, Diaz and Liu are each seen fully nude for a few seconds as well as wearing outfits that maximize the female form and/or skin exposure. One review I read said about the full nudity something like "skillful camera angle so that nothing is seen." Poppycock and pin feathers! The reviewer must not have seen the same cut I saw. It is obvious the actresses in this part are actresses. Fully. Sexual innuendo and comments are at times thick as well. [Gal. 5:19; Mark 7:20 - 21] Some form of the three/four letter word vocabulary was used 27 times and God's name was used in vain with the four letter expletive once and five times without. One muffled use of the most foul of the foul words was clear. There are so many items of violation of His teachings and expectations of us in this movie that even a summary such as above is misleading. Please, please, mom/dad. Read the listing in the Findings/Scoring section before you decide whether to take you family to see Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.
SCRIPTURAL APPLICATION(S) If needed to focus or fortify, applicable text is underlined or bracketed [ ]. If you wish to have full context available, the Blue Letter Bible is a convenient source. If you use the Blue Letter Bible, a new window will open. Close it to return here or use "Window" in your browser's menu bar to alternate between the CAP page and the Blue Letter Bible page. ***Selected Scriptures of Armour against the influence of the entertainment industry*** As always, it is best to refer to the Findings/Scoring section -- the heart of the CAP analysis model -- for the most complete assessment possible of this movie. |
![]() Wanton Violence/Crime (W) Impudence/Hate (I) Sex/Homosexuality (S) Drugs/Alcohol (D): Offense to God (O) Murder/Suicide (M) |
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NOTE: While the Summary/Commentary section of these reports is precisely that -- a summary in commentary format which can be and sometimes is subjective, the actual CAP Analysis Model (the Findings/Scoring section) makes no scoring allowances for trumped-up "messages" to excuse, for manufacture of justification for, or camouflaging of ignominious content or aberrant behavior or imagery with "redeeming" programming. Disguising sinful behavior in a theme/plot does not excuse the sinful behavior of either the one who is drawing pleasure or example of behavior or thought from the sinful display or of the practitioners demonstrating the sinful behavior. We make no attempt to quantify the "artistic" or "entertainment" value of a movie -- whether a movie has any positive value or "entertainment" value is up to mom/dad. The CAP analysis model is the only known set of tools available to parents and grandparents which give *them* the control they need, bypassing the opinion-based assessment of movies by others and defeating the deceit of those who would say anything to convince their parents otherwise. The model is completely objective to His Word. Our investigation standards are founded in the teachings and expectations of Jesus Christ. If a sinful behavior is portrayed, it is called sinful whether Hollywood tries to make it otherwise. That the sinful behavior is "justified" by some manufactured conditions does not soften nor erase the price of sin. Whether there is application of fantasy "justification" or "redemption" is up to mom/dad. |
"There are some in the entertainment industry who maintain that 1) violent programming is harmless because no studies exist that prove a connection between violent entertainment and aggressive behavior in children, and 2) young people know that television, movies, and video games are simply fantasy. Unfortunately, they are wrong on both accounts." And "Viewing violence may lead to real life violence." I applaud these associations for fortifying 1 Cor. 15:33. Read the rest of the story. From our more than eight years of study, I contend that other aberrant behaviors, attitudes, and expressions can be inserted in place of "violence" in that statement. Our Director - Child Psychology Support, a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist concurs. For example, "Viewing arrogance against fair authority may lead to your kids defying you in real life." Or "Viewing sex may lead to sex in real life." Likewise and especially with impudence, hate and foul language. I further contend that any positive behavior can be inserted in place of "violence" with the same chance or likelihood of being a behavior template for the observer; of being incorporated into the behavior mechanics and/or coping skills of the observer. In choosing your entertainment, please consider carefully the "rest of the story" and our findings. |