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Reel World Reality A ministry of the ChildCare Action Project: Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP Ministry) A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Christian Ministry. www.capalert.com/ Entertainment Media Analysis Report A service to His little ones through you in His name by His Word MAR2012.025 ![]() (2009), NR [13-NR*] (15.7min) The #1 Christian entertainment media analysis service on the Internet. We give you OBJECTIVE tools NO ONE ELSE CAN to help YOU make an informed decision for yourself whether a film is fit for your family. Over 1300 analyses for parents, grandparents, pastors, youth leaders and more. |
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on what Hollywood feeds your kids. SUBSCRIBE (or unsubscribe) to our FREE email version of these reports and our COMING SOON notices. |
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(While the Scriptural references are certainly not subjective, my commentary may be and sometimes is somewhat subjective.)
![]() Production (US): Creative Youth Resources, A Bill Muir Presentations Distribution (US): ChristianCinema.com Director(s): Michael Cargile Producer(s): John Duke, Howard Porter. Jim Botherton. Reid Murphy, Kevin Downes, Bill Muir, Jacob Head Screenplay by: Bill Muir Cinematography/Camera: Al Magallon Music: Marc Fantini, Steffan Fantini Film Editing: Michael Cargile, Bob Arvin Casting: Beverly Holloway Art Direction: Darren Brady Viewed on ChristianCinema.com DVD This 15.7-minute pocket-sized tidbit of wisdom for children regarding the Gospel and the consequences of sin earned a final score of 59 which is in the range of scores earned by PG-13 feature-length films. For a while the film is packed with adolescent mischief and disobedience to set the stage for the main plot of the story. That compact and dense period of programming applicable to the Impudence/Hate (I) content investigation area is of significant mathematical consequence. Due to the shortness of the film the Impudence/Hate content investigation area score is dragged down to zero with only eight instances of impudent adolescent mischief. Eight instances of ignominious content represents a large chunk of just 15.7 total minutes of programming. The same reasoning holds true for the low scoring but non-zero Wanton Violence/Crime (W) and Offense to God (O) content investigation areas. To help you understand the potential influence and the low scoring of parts of this film, consider the examples per hour. An example per hour figure indicates the number of instances of assault on morality and wholesome ethics should the film be one hour in length. As an example, the Impudence/Hate examples per hour figure is 30.6 per hour. There certainly were not 30.6 instances of impudence and/or hatred in the 15.7 minutes of the film (there were 8) but if the same rate were to happen over an hour there would be 30.6, thus the high influence density relative to the length of the film and the inherent low score. Of significant importance is that a period of concentrated misbehavior over a short period of cinematic time is more negatively influential than the same number of demonstrations of misbehavior over longer periods. See our CAP Rule of 1000 publication for more information. Young Avery Adamson (Alec Hanna) is a trouble maker and is not afraid to drag others along with him. Young Thomas Cain (Blake Michael Bryan) is as mischievous as Avery and is more than willing to follow Avery into trouble. On a school field trip at an aerospace museum, Avery and Thomas decide to ditch the group and head out on their own to have fun in the basement of the museum. While evading a Security Officer Avery becomes knocked unconscious. When Avery awakens he and Thomas run into a night janitor who tells the boys everyone has already left. The janitor directs that the boys follow him to the main office. But on the way to the main office the boys are treated to some spiritual awakening. What that awakening is I will not spoil should you decide this film is fit. ![]() Beyond the Sky is not a "kids cartoon." It is a short quality production ideally suited for the typical adolescent attention span. It is non-threatening and indeed through-provoking for the typical target age stratum. While it possesses the potential to negatively influence wholesome adolescent decision-making through demonstrating arrogant behavioral devices typically associated with the adolescent, it addresses well the often adolescent-elusive concepts of Creation and Salvation through the Blood of Christ -- an excellent tool to generate opportunity. I will bring up one more point portrayed in the story. Avery steals a small souvenir pocket flashlight while in the museum but returns it after his Spiritual awakening as he leaves the museum. Note that it is indeed noble to return that which one stole but a noble destination does not excuse an ignoble path. I'll let you figure that one out. Following are brief discussions of the content per individual content investigation area. As always the Findings section of this report, the heart of the CAP Analysis Model, is the best source for discovering the full accounting of the content of this film. Wanton Violence/Crime (W) - 36 out of 100 The only matters that apply to this content investigation area were the shop lifting by Avery, the head injury suffered by Avery and a series of images of horror and chaos. Impudence/Hate (I) - Zero out of 100 A concentration of adolescent mischief dragged this area score to zero due to the shortness of the film: the meanness and name-calling by Avery; the sneaking away from the group and sneaking into the private areas of the museum by both Avery and Thomas; the pestering of the museum guest. A full listing of the content applicable to this investigation area is available in the Findings section. [Prov. 6:16 - 19] Sexual Immorality (S) - 100 out of 100 There is nothing even remotely associated with sexually immoral behavior or imagery in this film. Drugs/Alcohol (D) - 100 out of 100 No possession or consumption of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco were noted in this film. Nor were there any abuses of prescription drugs. Offense to God (O) - 15 out of 100 Avery and Thomas deny the existence of God and parrot public school teachings that deny Creation. [Isa. 46:9] Murder/Suicide (M) - 100 out of 100 There are no murders or suicides portrayed in this film. SCRIPTURAL APPLICATION(S) If needed to focus or fortify, applicable text is underlined or bracketed [ ] or bold. If you wish to have full context available, the Blue Letter Bible is a convenient source. If you use the Blue Letter Bible, a new window will open. Close it to return here or use "Window" in your browser's menu bar to alternate between the CAP page and the Blue Letter Bible page. CHAPTER/VERSE As always, it is best to refer to the Findings/Scoring section -- the heart of the CAP analysis model -- for the most complete assessment possible of this movie. |
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(The objective heart of the CAP Analysis Model, independent of and insulated from the Summary / Commentary section.) ![]() ![]() Wanton Violence/Crime (W) - 36 out of 100 Impudence/Hate (I) - Zero out of 100 Sexual Immorality (S) - 100 out of 100 Drugs/Alcohol (D) - 100 out of 100 Offense to God (O) - 15 out of 100 Murder/Suicide (M) - 100 out of 100 |
There are some in the entertainment industry who maintain that 1) violent programming is harmless because no studies exist that prove a connection between violent entertainment and aggressive behavior in children, and 2) young people know that television, movies, and video games are simply fantasy. Unfortunately, they are wrong on both accounts." And "Viewing violence may lead to real life violence." I applaud these associations for fortifying 1 Cor. 15:33. Read the rest of the story. From our years of study, I contend that other aberrant behaviors, attitudes, and expressions can be inserted in place of "violence" in that statement. Our Director - Child Psychology Support, a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist concurs. For example, "Viewing arrogance against fair authority may lead to your kids defying you in real life." Or "Viewing sex may lead to sex in real life." Likewise and especially with impudence, hate and foul language. I further contend that any positive behavior can be inserted in place of "violence" with the same chance or likelihood of being a behavior template for the observer; of being incorporated into the behavior mechanics and/or coping skills of the observer. In choosing your entertainment, please consider carefully the "rest of the story" and our findings. |
Thank you for visiting us and may God bless you. Prayerfully, we will provide you with some of the most revealing commentary and investigative reporting you have ever read. In the name of Jesus: Lord, Master, Teacher, Savior, God. Tom Carder Chaplain and President ChildCare Action Project (CAP): Christian Analysis of American Culture 100% dependent on your tax-deductible financial support | ![]() |
![]() Christian Long Distance |
We exist only by your tax-deductible donations. PLEASE ![]() Features PayPal! You do NOT need an account to donate. |
For G rated Films with G equivalence: G PG equivalence: PG-G PG-13 equivalence: 13-G R equivalence: R-G< | For PG rated Films with G equivalence: G-PG PG equivalence: PG PG-13 equivalence: 13-PG R equivalence: R-PG | For PG-13 rated Films with G equivalence: G-13 PG equivalence: PG(13) PG-13 equivalence: PG-13 R equivalence: R-13 | For R rated Films with G equivalence: G-R PG equivalence: PG-R PG-13 equivalence: 13-R R equivalence: R | For NR rated Films with G equivalence: G-NR PG equivalence: PG-NR PG-13 equivalence: 13-NR R equivalence: R-NR |