witchcraft to control for selfish gain involving the creation of people
bike theft
arrogant distrust of father's guidance
guilotine action
dyke dress
distortion of father's instructions for personal gain without consequence
arrogance toward father
child instructed by brother to pretend in order to deceive father
several additional examples witchcraft to control for selfish gain
transformation of a dog to a human by witchcraft
four instances of cussing
portrayal of a police officer as corrupt
hatefulness by brother toward sister
a general pushy, smart-aleck, "it ain't good enough no matter what it is" attitude by an adolescent
defiance of righteous authority (teacher) plus protraying her as an unfair hateful dolt
truancy for personal gain
four uses of God's name in vain without the four letter explicative
discharging of a firearm at a man and a child plus verbal threats to control them
at least three lies to avoid discovery/being caught
presentation of a woman flattened by witchcraft but alive and talking
upchucking of frogs due to witchcraft
illegal restraint of a child by a non-parent
transformation of a human into a dog by witchcraft
lust for control, better-than-you attitude
control using a drugged apple