ChildCare Action Project:
Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP)
Entertainment Media Analysis Report
Ride A Wild Pony (1976)
CAP Score: 87
CAP ID: 0.23
Thomas A. Carder
CAP President
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There is little more to say aboutRide A Wild Pony other than the Investigation Area Impunity/Hate revealed sixteen examples of impunity.(1) This was the typical movie which portrayed children as "looking down their noses" at adult authority. A strong presence saturated the movie which portrayed that kids can and should take care of all their problems without adult involvement or knowledge. Indeed, it seemed that kids should be insulted if adults even try to help. Examples of impunity included
- a young boy taking a pony without permisssion
- arrogant invasion onto private property by a young boy
- many examples of adolescent arrogance against safety, laws, rules, and parental/exofamilial authority
- trying to beat a train to the crossing
- running away
- a minor child spending the night on the ground at the police impound to be with the pony
- stealing
- fighting to resolve differences
- a child using a butcher knife to damage private property
Wanton Violence/Crime and Drugs/Alcohol lost very few points each. The Sex/Homosexuality Offense to God, and Murder/Suicide Investigation Areas revealed no unacceptable material in accordance with the Investigation Standards.
This would have been a fine family movie if it were not for the adolescent arrogance.
In accordance with the comparative baseline data, Ride A Wild Pony was equivalent to R-rated material in only Impunity/Hate and was equivalent to baseline G-rated material in all other Investigation Areas. Thus, Ride A Wild Pony was equivalent to the comparative baseline data corresponding to 16% R-rated material and 84% G-rated material.
Below is the table showing the scoring in each of the Investigation Areas plus the Final Score drawn from the actual CAP Report. In addition, the number of examples per hour of unacceptable material in each of the Investigation Areas is provided.
(1) As noted in CAP Special Report-0001, "Investigation Area and Scoring Trend" Impunity/Hate was the strongest presence in all four movie classifications. I pray you will find time to read Special Report-0001. It has a strong revelation about the entertainment media.
Additional reviews of this movie may be located at "Movie Review Query Engine at Telerama."
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In the name of Jesus:
Lord, Master, Teacher, Savior, God.
Thomas A. Carder
ChildCare Action Project: Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP)
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