ChildCare Action Project:
Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP)
Entertainment Media Analysis Report
Monkey Trouble (1994)
CAP Score: 74
CAP ID: 0.47
Thomas A. Carder
CAP President
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Monkey Trouble was a typical PG movie which portrayed children as soloists and as having the ability to solve "adult" problems on their own: portrayed as if it is acceptable and correct for their social stratum to keep their problems from their parents: that indeed they should keep their problems to themselves! Further, lies occurred about every 3.5 minutes: lies to cover wrongdoing, whereabouts, accountability, and health. Self appointed autonomy/independence and lies are the chief reasons the Impunty/Hate (I) score was zero(1) However, complicating the Impunity/Hate score was arrogance: arrogance generally toward parental authority. In one case, a sisted hated her baby brother so much she spoke boldly of killing him.
Wanton Violence/Crime (W) suffered a hard blow due to an adult physically forcing a child against her will. Unacceptable material in Sex/Homosexuality (S) was limited to revealing sminwear and a man zipping up his pants. Unacceptable examples of Drugs/Alcohol (D) were noted in two cases: one of drunken cruelty to a tiny monkey and another of hateful drunkenness in front of the drunk's son. Offense to God (O) lost a few points due to the use of God's name in vain.(2) BUT, Murder/Suicide (M) was clean!
In accordance with the comparative baseline database, Monkey Trouble was equivalent to R-rated material in Impunity/Hate. The movie presented material equivalent to PG material in Wanton Violence/Crime and Offense to God. Monkey Trouble was equivalent to G-rated material in Sex/Homosexuality, Drugs/Alcohol, and Murder/Suicide. Thus, Monkey Trouble was equivalent to the comparative baseline data corresponding to 17% R-rated material, 33% PG material, and 50% G-rated material.
Below is the table showing the scoring in each of the Investigation Areas plus the Final Score drawn from the actual CAP Report. In addition, the number of examples per hour of unacceptable material in each of the Investigation Areas is provided.
(1) As noted in CAP Special Report-0001, "Investigation Area and Scoring Trend" Impunity/Hate was the strongest presence in all four movie classifications. I pray you will find time to read Special Report-0001. It has a strong revelation about the entertainment media.
(2) The use of the three/four letter word vocabulary is incorporated into the Impunity/Hate Investigation Area. The use of God's name in vain with and without the three/four letter word vocabulary is incorporated into the Offense to God Investigation Area.
Additional reviews of this movie may be located at "Movie Review Query Engine at Telerama."
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In the name of Jesus:
Lord, Master, Teacher, Savior, God.
Thomas A. Carder
ChildCare Action Project: Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP)
Copyright ChildCare Action Project (CAP)