ChildCare Action Project:
Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP)
Entertainment Media Analysis Report
Bulworth (1998)
CAP Score: Not Computed
CAP ID: Not Computed
Thomas A. Carder
CAP President

I am sorry if you are disappointed that there are no comparative data provided for Bulworth (1998): no CAP data display or numeric representation of the findings as are usual for CAP analyses. I could not stomach the whole of Bulworth and left after about seventy minutes. Since our equations and formulae depend on observing the entire movie, calculations were not performed. Extrapolations to accommodate the shortened parameter were not attempted because of the extreme distastefulness of this movie -- it was not worth the effort. And since calculations were not performed, the CAP data display is not provided. There is no data display graphic in this analysis.
In the approximately seventy minutes I was able to tolerate Bulworth, acidic language occurred AT LEAST EIGHTY-SIX TIMES! I strongly suspect, even during the seventy minutes I observed the movie let alone the unseen portion, a much higher number because at times the language occurred faster than I could annotate the observations!
As stomach-turning as the first seventy minutes were, I had to leave when the producers had several pre-teens and early teens frothing at the mouth with hateful vulgar trash language.
In just the observed programming, amidst the most foul of the most foul language was adolescent intimidation with a handgun[1], planning suicide by murder, drugs (plus how to use them) and booze, corruption, sexual vulgarities, repeated picture nudity, vulgar background music, inappropriate dress, and extramarital activities.
I typically do not offer a recommendation in these analyses whether to see the subject movie, but I take exception with Bulworth. Please, do not go to see this movie!
[1] It is now any wonder where kids get their ideas? As soon as this movie comes out on tape, I'll betcha a whole lotta adolescents will see it, the same way underage kids were able to see The Basketball Diaries! which is suspect of having influence on the decision of Michael Carneal (14 years old) to shoot in the Paducah, KY incident.
Additional reviews of this movie may be located at "Movie Review Query Engine at Telerama."
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In the name of Jesus:
Lord, Master, Teacher, Savior, God.
Thomas A. Carder
ChildCare Action Project: Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP)
Copyright ChildCare Action Project (CAP)