Date: Tuesday, 19 Aug 1997

Dear Christian Friends:

R.A.M.P. joins our friends

  • The Christian Alert Network (TCAN)
  • the American Family Association (AFA)
  • the Christian Family Network (CFN)
  • the ChildCare Action Project: Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP)

    in urging you to take the suggested action as outlined in the following Press Release.


    A nationally published cartoon strip, "For Better Or For Worse" is for the second time, pushing homosexuality on families. Newspapers across the nation are once again blatantly disregarding family values and morality by running the series.

    The comic strip, distributed to over 1700 newspapers, will center on the "love life" of a homosexual character, Lawrence, who was "ousted" in a previous series. Because of plans to run this series with a homosexual theme, it is vital that we respond to this attack on the family. Pro-family groups are asking people to call and respectfully ask that their newspapers NOT be delivered on this Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday; the days that the homosexual agenda will be pushed through the comic strip.

    This is not a boycott, but a way of letting newspapers know that you are unwilling to be an accomplice to the liberal homosexual agenda. The cartoonist may have the right to draw the strip and newspapers may have the right to run the strip, but consumers have the right not to be subjected to the harmful effects this material may have on their children!

    Newspapers have a responsibility to ensure that the paper is available for safe, healthy, enjoyable entertainment and should not be used as an indoctrination tool for the homosexual lifestyle.

    The media, in its many forms, has become the cheerleader for the homosexual movement and are the true "change agents" of society. This is another example of media power gone wrong; where that power is used in an effort to force the public to accept the homosexual lifestyle as normal and healthy. In reality, homosexuality is immoral, unscriptural, and unhealthy. We hear the media elite speak of tolerance, but we stand firm and say that some ere not meant to be tolerated and this is one of them!

    "There have been but a handful of newspapers that have declined the series" stated CFN President Don Jackson. "While most newspapers have decided to aid and abet the homosexual agenda, we intend to have an impact on as many of them as possible. The subscription cancellation action is to take place across the nation beginning Monday. Pro-family groups feel that though the actions are simple and easy, they WILL make a difference."

    "If people respond in this way to their local newspaper, it sends a very strong message that the American public is unwilling to be an accomplice to the liberal homosexual agenda being pushed on us at every opportunity through every imaginable medium" says Jackson. "This is not a boycott of newspapers; it is simply our way of declining to participate in the homosexual agenda. We have no other option than to let our voices be heard. Silence is the door of consent!"

    "The impact of the entertainment media, of which newspapers are part, is indeed undeniable as a change-agent. And we have statistically sound evidence of it - and the evidence is not good - particularly in the area of arrogant expression. This act in support of the homosexual agenda is just another example of that evidence" says Tom Carder, president of the CAP.

    Paul and Jodi Hoffman,
    National Directors of R.A.M.P.-Restore America's Moral Pride

    For more information about the Hoffman's battle, visit the ...
    ChildCare Action Project:
    Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP)

    at then click on "Sex, ABC and Disney..." on the opening screen.
    OR R.A.M.P. - Restore America's Moral Pride